Just Mousing Around Newsletter ~ Volume 24 Issue 4 ~ April 2025
PO Box 64 ~ McCook NE 69001 308.344.8884 www.pcswepartner.com
Computer Service & Repair since 2001
Professional Computer Services LLC
Hrs: Mon through Wed 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Thurs by appointment
From the Workbench...
We appreciate your patronage
Can’t find a convenient time for computer service? Let us help.
If you've been putting off having some regular maintenance done (which we recommend once a year
for most), your computer is running slow, or you’ve seen more popup ads lately and it never seems
to be a good time to have it serviced, let us help. We now offer remote service to assist & help too.
Call us to schedule a time 308.344.8884 ; let us make it easy for you.
Copyright © Professional Computer Services, LLC 2025
Virtual Tai Chi classes from home
Tai Chi can help improve immunity, depression, tension &
stress, as well as balance, & many other health benefits. Tai
Chi can be a positive part of your journey to improving health
& overall well-being. Questions or for more info: Email us
info(at)pcswebpartner.com If you have a group that would like
to do a Tai Chi class please contact us as well. Questions or for
more info: Email us info(at)pcswebpartner.com
Want to
reduce your
stress? How
about a Tai Chi
class via Zoom
in your own
home? More
details here.

Announcing NEW Service change updates! at Professional Computer Services in McCook
We've listened to you, our customers. We changed our business strategy to a more personalized customer service that's easy & convenient for you.
To achieve this goal, the retail building shop has closed.
Here are our new services that begin with a phone call to us at (308.344.8884):
1. REMOTE SERVICE - We've added remote service for existing customers. For example, it may be something like this: we speak by phone call,
then we schedule a remote session. Of course, if your computer is non-functional, this would not work and we will chose option 2.
2. DOOR-TO-DOOR PICK-UP service in McCook. We schedule to pick up your computer at your door, and return it when service is completed.
If you do not live in McCook, we can meet-up or discuss options.
We look forward to making a more personalized computer service experience for you.
strategy &
Please see
right for
more details.
Please give
us a call
Mon. - Wed.
Services Change
-Remote Support Service &
-Door-to-Door Pick-up in McCook
Tai Chi classes at the McCook Senior Center have paused for the moment. Enjoy time with family &
friends. Please contact the Senior Center and let them know you want to sign up for the next class.
We are looking at some different possibilities on our newsletter mailing, stay tuned.
Happy Easter!
Reclaim Your Focus: Reduce Screen Time, Increase Productivity
August 21, 2024 By Roland Hutchinson https://www.geeky-gadgets.com/reclaim-your-focus-reduce-screen-time-increase-productivity/
Many of us spend more time than we want to on our smartphones, tablets, and other devices, in this
article we will show you how to reduce your screen time with a range of practical tips. Our lives are
intertwined with screens. From smartphones to laptops and TVs, we spend countless hours staring at
pixels, scrolling through endless feeds, and clicking on notifications. While technology offers immense
benefits, it also comes with a hefty cost – our focus and productivity.
The constant barrage of digital distractions makes it increasingly difficult to concentrate on tasks,
leading to decreased productivity, increased stress, and a sense of overwhelm. It’s time to reclaim our
focus and break free from the grip of screens. In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies to reduce
screen time and increase productivity, empowering you to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling
Understanding the Impact of Screen Time
Before delving into solutions, let’s understand how excessive screen time affects our focus and
Constant Distractions
Notifications, pop-ups, and the allure of social media create a constant stream of distractions, pulling our
attention away from the task at hand. Each interruption disrupts our flow and requires mental effort to
refocus, leading to decreased productivity.
Information Overload
The sheer volume of information available at our fingertips can be overwhelming. Constantly consuming
news, social media updates, and online content can lead to mental fatigue and hinder our ability to
process information effectively.
Reduced Attention Span
Studies suggest that excessive screen time can contribute to a reduced attention span. The constant
stimulation and rapid-fire nature of digital content can make it difficult to focus on tasks that require
sustained attention, such as reading or deep work.
Sleep Disruption
The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with our sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep and
affecting the quality of our rest. Sleep deprivation further impairs our focus, cognitive function, and
overall well-being.
Next month in part 2, we'll continue starting with:
Strategies to Reduce Screen Time
Now that we understand the negative impact of excessive screen time, let’s explore practical strategies
to regain control of our digital lives.